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London Build

05 Apr 2024

JLL reports steady progress on gender and ethnicity pay gaps

JLL reports steady progress on gender and ethnicity pay gaps

JLL’s mean gender pay gap (GPG) and ethnicity pay gap (EPG) narrowed last year in the UK – but its median pay gap increased, according to the company’s latest UK Gender & Ethnicity Pay Gap Report. 

The company’s mean GPG in 2023 was 16.9%, down from 18.9% in 2022 and 25.2% in 2017, when JLL first began reporting these figures in the UK. The mean EPG last year was 13.5%, down from 14.3% in 2022 and 16.3% in 2020, when JLL began reporting these figures.

However, the median pay gaps increased, with the median GPG rising to 16.7% in 2023, up from 15.3% in 2022 and 16.5% in 2017, and the median EPG rising to 13.6% from 10.8% in 2022 and 10.5% in 2020.  

JLL said the rise in the median pay gaps was due to the company’s decision to make “significant salary adjustments” to its lowest paid employees who have been most affected by the rising cost of living. It added the increased median EPG was partly driven by “improvements in JLL’s ethnicity disclosure rates and the recruitment of more ethnically underrepresented colleagues into junior positions”.

Stephanie Hyde, chief executive at JLL UK, said: “While there’s much to be optimistic about, the pace of change remains challenging. Our mean pay gaps for gender and ethnicity are continuing to narrow. Change needs to come faster – diversity, equity and inclusion remains a priority for JLL and we continue to embed this into every element of how we operate as we strive for everyone to feel that sense of belonging where they can flourish, and our business can prosper. 

“GPG and EPG are two of the metrics we use to show how we look after our people. There will be many other markers of success: in recruitment, career development, leadership styles, and also how we talk, consider and behave towards each other. It will take boldness and commitment from us all to make the changes we want and need to see.”

View: UK Gender & Ethnicity Pay Gap Report

Source: JLL

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